Saturday, May 14, 2011

Time to breathe some life back into this place...

That's right--Daily Destruction is coming back! Now, with even MORE destruction!

That's right--we've added a new family member and can only imagine what this will lead to!

Look for us coming back in June!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Hello, dear reader!

It has been exceptionally long since I've updated. Not due to a lack of material--but a lack of time. C continues to destroy any and everything he can get his hands on--and I continue to photograph it.

I will be coming back to blogging--with loads of updates--hopefully soon!

ETA: For your viewing pleasure--not sure when this site came out--but it's got some good ones!!! Check them out! SMKR

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Destruction 365.. got your own story?

So since the Demon Spawn is taking a hiatus from bloggable destruction--and since I've had emails from a lot of you sharing your own tales of destruction [which, by the way, have been extremely entertaining!], how about we get this thing going, community style!

Send me your posts [with accompanying pictures when possible!] and I'll throw it up on the blog! I've found that it's extremely therapeutic to get it all out of your system--especially for the world to see! So drop me an email [destruction365 @ gmail . com] with pictures and your story and I'll post it! [Please let me know if you want to remain anonymous!]

Friday, April 24, 2009

Destruction 365... now with less destruction!

That's right. C has been on a pretty good, peaceful, non-destructive streak. That's not to say that he's been an angel--simply hasn't provided anything blog-worthy, really. I'm not complaining.

We did get him a new shirt from Think Geek. Quite suitable, don't you think?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Destruction 365... I suppose I had it coming.

I've been quiet lately... mainly because I haven't been able to capture any of the disastrous deeds of C with my camera, as they've been so very complicated...

First, C attacked the PS3. Something I've been dreading but didn't think that he'd actually do. Well. I was wrong. It was working wonderfully. As is our custom, we use it during the day to watch such educational DVDs as Futurama or The Lord of the Rings [what can I say, the kid has good taste]. Now, we don't watch TV and we watch a movie together once a day during the day. When I was switching the LotR Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition Disk One for Disk Two... it stopped working. I'd put the disk in and it would go in just fine.. but it wouldn't read it. So I actually spent the remainder of the day [and the following two days before S was able to take it apart and fix it] believing that I'd somehow broken it, not C. Which was a relief coupled with extreme frustration at myself.

But then S took it apart. A long, drawn out, curse-filled process [one which I took the kids for a drive to the park so as not to subject them to it]. You can imagine my surprise when we got home to a now-working PS3 with a puzzle piece sitting on top of it. C had apparently put the piece in on top of the disk and when I ejected it to put the second disk in, the puzzle piece fell down and.. well.. yeah. Chalk another one up to beloved C.

Then--despite the fact that we literally have ZERO money in our house [no, really--we have no cash. We strictly use our Debit Cards, we're a no cash household], C was sitting on the bed with my while I nursed Av2 and he started choking. Long and terrifying story short, he puked up a quarter [God knows where it came from] that was choking him about half a second before the EMTs walked through our door. I much prefer when the destruction is aimed at objects rather than himself. Sigh. Needless to say, he's fine. Recovered quickly and slept well through the night. We didn't, of course. We were up literally all night watching him sleeping, keeping our eyes and ears open for any changes in his color or breathing... sigh. Scary, scary stuff.

I suppose he then had to redeem himself. Because he somehow poked a hole in our TV. I am still to relieved that he's, yaknow, alive to be upset about this one yet. I'm sure it'll hit me in a couple of days...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Destruction 365... ahhh, soap.

So I guess that C didn't like the new type of soap that I got for his Daddy.

All of us--minus S, of course--are total LUSH-a-holics, thanks to an introduction by a dear friend. But S... well. Anything that smells like anything but plain soap is a no-go.

Normally, because of this, we just get plain old Ivory soap. [Which, funnily enough, I bought a ton of when I was pregnant with Av2... it was the only substance that I wanted to bathe with. Honestly. Very weird...] But this time, in my rush to get out of the store with two sick kiddos, I grabbed Dove instead. Normally, S would probably not use it.. and I honestly had every intention of just bringing it back to the Safeway the next day when I went shopping for groceries [he had enough left of the bar of Ivory to last him til then]

But C had different plans. As he often does.

As previously mentioned, I have two sick kiddos. C got the sniffles then a full blown cold within 6 hours.. and promptly passed it on to me [who, if you recall, was just recovering from my own sickness...] And--of course--I generously passed it on to Av2, who--bless his heart--handed it off to Daddy.

We all go to sleep. Early, because we simply feel too bad to stay up any longer. But C... C had some juice left in him, yet! I'm not sure exactly when he woke up... how he managed to sneak out of bed without waking us.. or even how he managed to sneak back in without disturbing my extremely light slumber.

But he did it.

And in this time that he had, he decided that a little mischief was in order.

When I woke up to use the restroom, I walked in on this...

Now... honestly.. what? What a strange choice for destruction... but who am I to judge? I'm just happy that it wasn't something else.. like more DVDs or BluRays...

But then I wondered...

Where is the soap?

I had a mini panic, thinking that he'd consumed them...

Luckily, he was just testing them each out, individually.

Such self-sacrifice! Making sure they were Ok for his dad to use.

He's a Saint...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Destruction 365... it was too dark in here, anyway...

I owe our landlord a new set of blinds.

Really--I have no other words for this one. What was I thinking, going to make lunch?