Saturday, February 28, 2009

Destruction 365... a day off

Today was more than Ok--it was near perfect. No, seriously--I don't think C got into anything that he shouldn't have.

Granted, the reason for this was simply because we weren't at home all day today. Since S had one day off this week [he's on call Sunday...], we decided to actually leave the house [that, plus, yaknow--the extra set of eyes helped significantly]. We ended up spending the majority of the day at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA. Definitely worth the price of admission! So much so that we're going to be getting memberships so that we can go more often.

C was mostly behaved, so fascinated by the planes was he. That alone will be worth the cost of the memberships [; Though I suppose there was one casualty, after all--one that I won't take a picture of because he won't let me near it--his toy Lockheed M-21 Blackbird suffered a small injury when he crash landed it. Into his brother. Whom he was hell bent on killing, today for some reason~

Ahhh, well. Tomorrow is another day. For now, C is sated, playing with his Blackbird and his brother's inflatable Douglas A-4F Skyhawk II... [lets see how long that lasts]

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