Friday, February 27, 2009

Destruction 365... disclaimer

Just a sort of disclaimer, since you, my dearest readers, aren't familiar with me, S, our family and our parenting styles... honestly, C [or any of our other 5 kids--S, D, Av1, C or A] are never left unsupervised. Ever. Never, ever. EVER. I cannot stress enough just how supervised they all are. So much so that they're likely to develop a complex as they grow older, if they haven't already. The times that C gets into this stuff are short periods of time when, say, I'm in the bathroom [cuz, honestly, I love my kids but... not in the bathroom] or getting something to eat or drink out of the kitchen. Seriously, the kid is quick. Even on the rare moments of computer time I actually get, he's right there with me, viewed out of the corner of my eye... he just knows all of our blind spots. And exploits them. Put the stuff out of reach, you say? Well, we do that. Unfortunately, he mastered the art of pushing a chair or other climbable objects to the location of whatever it is that he wants at the tender age of 1. Discipline... yes, well. I don't believe in spanking and--unfortunately--that's the only thing that we haven't yet tried. And have no inclination of trying. This little blog here, though is proving to be quite theraputic--forcing me to see the humor in his exploits rather than just wanting to sell him to the circus. Or the zoo. Whichever wants me to pay them less to take him off my hands~ So enjoy the ride. Despite the enjoyment I've found in writing this blog, I and all of my worldly possesions sincerely hope that he grows out of this.


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