Thursday, March 12, 2009

Destruction 365... I seem to be missing days...

Oddly enough, our days have had more of a lull to them as of late. I am grateful for this because I'm currently sick. Either by divine intervention or just plain dumb luck, C has been relatively non destructive... makes me wonder if I shouldn't have started this blog, sooner.

In reality, he's mostly done nothing but draw. On himself.
And my wall, but I'll spare you the image. It's none too pleasant.

Then, there are the DVDs. And make messes wherever he goes--that, too.. but mostly, they have been good days. Though I fear that voicing these praises of his new found good behavior will curse me and that this calm period we've been having is nothing but a clever ruse by my genius offspring to lull me into a state where I'm more apt to let my guard down and he will have more opportunity to get to the things that he really wants. Or, perhaps, he's simply running out of things to destroy. Hah.

Anyone know how to get pen out of my dining room chair?


  1. Kandi, I found your blog through the GM forum. I have two "distructa-wiggles" as we call them, and we actually had a similar zebra stripe incident across the chest with pen this week, too. The pen was also found it's way onto the cover of a cookbook I had on display and the kitchen tabletop. You seriously could be writing about my kids ;o)

    ~SARAH~ (ephah on LJ, DS and GM forum)

  2. Aha! You should send me pics! Or start your own blog! I've found it's like therapy [: And honestly, it's either that, or selling him to the zoo [x

  3. We have a family blog ( and I occasionally share the latest and greatest destruction. I think the last post where I showed my sons' talents for destructive creativity was back in January when the kitchen table met the permanent marker as Patrick traced his hand on it :) I really should get more pictures up though. Last year Patrick dyed Sammy's hair pink for Easter when I accidentally left the food coloring too near edge of the countertop. We still have a big pink spot on our carpet in memory of that :)
